Gnome Commander

A powerful file manager for the GNOME desktop environment

A Dockerfile for Gnome Commander 21 December 2015

In the course of implementing GSettings for Gnome Commander, I created a Dockerfile which uses Ubuntu 15.04 as a base image. This ubuntu version is the oldest one on which I managed a successfull build of Gnome Commander with GSettings (it needs at least glib 2.44).

If you are interested in the Dockerfile you can get it here:

The only thing which is currently done in the resulting Docker container is to install all required libraries needed to finally “make” and “make check” Gnome Commander in the GSettings branch.

Have nice and calm Christmas holidays! Uwe

BTW: You have to execute docker build . from inside the Gnome Commander sources top directory.

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Background image by Mojie & hcorleybarto (CC-BY-NC-SA)