If you ever have compiled GCMD by yourself, you might already have noticed that there occour literally hundreds of warnings from the Gnu compiler. These warnings can sometimes lead to bugs or even tell us that parts of libraries are used which are not supported anymore. Also, Linux distributions don’t like to distribute packages with compilation warnings.
To overcome this problem we created the new Git branch
some days ago.
This branch is derived from the master branch and its first commit is
. Here, we set up configure.ac and all Makefiles to convert all
compilation warnings into compiler errors. This will force us to fix
each warning to successfully compile GCMD in the end.
We are asking for volunteers here to help us hunting down all warnings.
Making a first start is pretty easy:
git clone https://github.com/gcmd/gnome-commander.git
cd gnome-commander
git checkout ConvertWarningsToErrors
Provided you have installed all packages GCMD depends on, the compilation will stop at the first compilation error (which was a warning before). Now it is your turn to fix it. If you don’t know how to fix it but you want to see other warnings and hunt them, temporarily switch of the warning-to-error conversion:
./autogen.sh --enable-compile-warnings=yes
Fix the warnings in separate Git commits and send them to gcmd-devel@nongnu.org as a patch via email, or idealy, fork the Github GCMD repository and create a pull request on the github webpage.
Together we can do it!
Update [29. April 2017]: All GCC compiler warnings fixed
All compilation warnings in branch ConvertWarningsToErrors have been fixed and all related commits have been merged into the master branch. This task can be regarded as fixed now.
Update [30. January 2022]:
The above mentioned GitHub repo does not exist anymore. Since some years already, Gnome Commander source code is hosted at gitlab.gnome.org)