GNOME Commander

A powerful file manager for the GNOME desktop environment

Downloads Download GNOME Commander


Latest release - Source package

gnome-commander-1.18.2.tar.xz (5.95 MB)


Since version 1.18.2 we have migrated to the Gnome CI release process, which will create the source package directly on the GNOME infrastructre. Therefore, we will not upload a signature file for the source package anymore.

Older releases can be found on the GNOME download server.

Sample scripts for the file popup menu

Under this link some sample scripts can be found. Move them into ~/.gnome-commander/scripts/ to extend the file popup menu (usable since v1.6.0).

Source code Installation on your Linux machine

There exist three very detailed installation HowTos, created by Ken Taylor(*). See here (deprecated) for the installation of Gnome Commander in CentOS and here for the installation in Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Newly added are instructions for Ubuntu 20.04 here

Since Gnome Commander 1.16.0, the dependend build system switched from autotools to meson. Please take note on the Development page for more information.

(*) Thank you, Ken!

External Downloads External packages

Here is a list of links to external packages so you don't have to build Gnome Commander by yourself. These are maintained by the distributions and not by the developers of GCMD. Some links may point to old versions of GCMD.

Icons Gnome Commander Icon History

2003 2003 2006 2019
logo-very-old-1.png logo-very-old-2.png logo-old.png logo.svg
internal-viewer-2016.png internal-viewer-2019.svg

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Background image by Mojie & hcorleybarto (CC-BY-NC-SA)